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Үндсэн хуудас » 2011 » Зургаадүгээр cap » 5 » Plato Photo Booth 12.05.01
9:13 AM
Plato Photo Booth 12.05.01

Plato Photo Booth 12.05.01 | Хэмжээ 23.5 MB
Зургаа чимэглэхэд хөөрхөн програм байна шүү зураг дээрээс хархад ойлгомжтой байгаа байхаа
Plato Photo Booth - enable you easily create, edit, enhance, print, and manipulate your digital photos. It is a very professional and entertainment tool. It is like a self adhesive sticker machine that you can take photo by yourself at home only if you have webcam.The pictures have different backgrounds(frames), for example, flowers or the ocean or funny characters such as Kitty or other animals. People can change the photo style as they want by just selecting different frames from thousands of choises, so the result photos can be great to express their personality.And you also can add the base map ,edit photo brightness and others you like it in the image editor before you save it in your computer . If you have a printer,you also can print it out and then put it in wallet and share with your friends.

Key Features of Plato Photo Booth:

• include kinds of background like ocean,flowers..
• Add single frames by yourself..
• edit the photos on your pc in the image editor.
• add decorations to the photos.
• add base pictures to the photos.
• combine the photos as you like.
• capture and print out photos.
Ангилал: Програм хангамж | Үзсэн: 999 | Нийтэлсэн: Захирал_Mongoloo | Үнэлгээ: 0.0/0
Нийт сэтгэгдэл: 1
1 melo   (2011-06-05 11:28 AM) [Entry]
hey ene jn bolku bn shdee

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