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Үндсэн хуудас » 2011 » Дөрөвүгээр cap » 6 » Vista үйлдлийн систем суулгах арга?
5:17 PM
Vista үйлдлийн систем суулгах арга?
1. Put the DVD into your CD drive and configure your CMOS Setup (BIOS) to boot from it. The options very greatly with the type of computer you have, so look in your documentation to find how.

2.Press Enter to boot from the DVD.

3.There will be a progress bar saying "Windows is loading files…” so be patient for it to finish.
4.The Vista Progress bar will appear and the installation will begin soon.
5.Choose the Installation language, time and currency format, and the keyboard layout.

6.Press Install Now, or read "What to know before installing Windows”

a.For System Recovery, click "System Recovery Options”

7.Type in your Product Key (for the beta, you probably got it in an e-mail). Make sure that you have it written down somewhere before you start the installation.

8.Check "Automatically activate Windows when I’m online” if you want, or uncheck it and activate later. You have 14 days to activate Vista.

9.Click the "Next” button.

10.Read the license agreement (which I recommend doing) and check the box that says "I accept the license terms” if you agree. If you don’t, you cannot install Vista.

11.Click the Custom (advanced) installation. If you want to upgrade to Vista (which I strongly don’t recommend with the beta version) you have to start the installer from a supported Operating System (OS).

12.Here, you will probably want to choose "Advanced Options” and format however you would like. Make sure not to choose the partition your current Operating System is on. (don’t worry about my picture, this is a virtual machine) If you don’t have free space to install Vista on, you will need a 3rd-party tool like Partition Magic, Partition Commander, or a Linux tool like QTParted to partition your hard drive.

13.Click "Next”.

14.A screen will come up with a list of things the Vista installer has to do. You can probably leave and do something else, because it takes a while and is automatic. You will not have to intercede.
15.It will restart, but do not boot from the DVD this time.

16.After the boot screen comes up, there will be a screen saying "Please wait while Windows prepares to start….”

17.Then, the Install Windows window will be up again while "Completing installation”. The green progress bar on the bottom will reach the end when the installation is complete.

18.It will restart again, and do not boot from the CD.

19.Choose your Country/region and keyboard layout and click Next

20.Choose a username, password (optional but recommended), hint (optional), and picture, then click Next.

21.Type a name for your computer, then choose the background (you can easily change this later) and click Next.

22.Choose which settings you would like to have. Please read the information in the link for more details to help you decide
23.Choose your time zone and check the date/time listed. When you are done, click Next.

24.Click Start.

25.Start, and enjoy!


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