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Үндсэн хуудас » 2011 » Гуравдүгээр cap » 13 » IMSI DoubleCAD XT Pro 3.1
5:35 PM
IMSI DoubleCAD XT Pro 3.1
IMSI DoubleCAD XT Pro 3.1 Build 38.3
IMSI DoubleCAD XT Pro 3.1
2011 | ENG | 118 Mb
Highlights include:
- Accelerated 2D graphics performance up to 60x faster
-Ruby scripting language
- DWG 2010 / 2011 support
- SketchUp v8 .SKP support
- Drawing compare
- Hatch pattern creator
- Geometric & dimensional constraints
- Range of intelligent, ACA/ADT compatible architectural objects, including:
Walls (self-healing; straight and curved)
- Powerful detailing (create associative, 2D views or hatched sections, even from xrefs; cross sections of cross sections; etc.)
- Parametric Parts Manager
- Design Director
- Style Manager
- Self-healing walls (ACA/ADT compatible)
- Self-aligning blocks
- Transparent fills
- Draw order by layer
- Multi-leaders
- Xclip
- Detail sections
- Purge
- Print queue
- Enhanced command line
- Edit in place blocks and groups
- Enhanced layer manager
- Pick by point hatch
- Re-fillet polylines
- Measurement info history
- Double click customization
- Multi-select drawings on open
- Enhanced view manager
- Geometric tolerance tool
- DWG line weight support
- Hide objects regardless of layer
- Object snap prioritization
- Explode viewports to create flat 2D geometry, including hidden line views
- Bezier curves
- Advanced polyline editing
- Automatic scaling of units between drawings
- Parametric variable palette
- Input multiple unit types on-the-fly
- Brush style editor
- Enhanced format painter
- Fixed ratio ellipses tools
- Smart dimensions
- Nested xrefs
- Embed images files in drawings
- Superior workflow with Google SketchUp and SketchUp Pro
- Open & save 30 file formats, including .DWG, .DXF, and .DWF formats from AutoCAD R14 to 2010. (Note, any importable file type can be used as an xref.)
- Batch file conversion
-SDK (Software Developers Kit)
- 12-month free premium customer support (phone, email, forum)
... and more

IMSI DoubleCAD XT Pro 3.1 Build 38.3

Ангилал: Програм хангамж | Үзсэн: 1140 | Нийтэлсэн: Зохицуулагч_Ghost | Үнэлгээ: 0.0/0
Нийт сэтгэгдэл: 0
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